Ara'kai Bathroom Stories with Amanda Norgaard
Amanda Norgaard is a Writer, Creative Mentor, and a Kundalini Yoga Teacher. She is also the founder of ILLUMINATION, an online atelier combining yogic science, futuristic education, punk-rock poetry, and applied community.
Join us for a sneak peek into Amanda's bathroom and learn about her daily routines and rituals.
How does your morning and night-time rituals differ when it comes to self- and skin care?
My mornings are all about coffee, walking the dog, my daily kundalini yoga and meditation practice before I start work; either coaching, writing, teaching or meetings. Therefore my beauty routine has to be swift and simple. I wash my face with cold water in the morning; twice a week I do Ukviat Orange Cleansing Balm and Mask, followed by The Forest Retreat from Oio Lab. The only difference between the two is the application of potential makeup in the morning which is usually a mix of Ilia Super Serum Skin Tint and Noto Multi-Bene Cheek + Lip Stick in the color Oscillate. It’s a delicious burnt orange-red that is perfect for a nice natural tan and bitten lip. That’s it.
At night I cleanse with warm water and the cute muslin cleansing cloth from Ara’kai, followed by The Forest Retreat again.
What beauty, wellness and self care tools do you reach for most often?
Last year I became a total Gua Sha girl, and really committed to doing weekly Gua Sha to feel and tell the difference. I’m a busy bee as any entrepreneur usually is, and mega devoted to my work, but I do have a lot of screen time as all my ILLUMINATION creativity + community, courses, mentorships, practices and writing, are all online. I’ve suffered pretty intense jaw clenching tension and tension headaches so I really wanted to see if Gua Sha over time could help me soothe and relax my facial muscles - and YES! During winter time when I need a little more glow, the lymphatic drainage and increased blood circulation is a total savior as well. I’m really big on healthy lymphs + glands as they are the guardians of our mental and physical health; I tend to this daily through my Kundalini Yoga and Meditation practice. I’m also big on the dry brush + cold shower combo and have also been doing that regularly the last 4-5 years!
What has been a product or self care ritual that has been a true game changer for you?
My Kundalini Yoga and Meditation Practice has been one of the greatest assets and supports in my life. Commitment is everything if you want success and change in anything! I have been doing this practice for 5 years now and it has changed my life. It has increased my creativity, my health, my vitality, my joy, my radiance and how I relate to myself and the world. It’s brought me more of ME to me, while leaving the outdated beliefs, fears and programs behind. And it shows; inside-out.
You have 5 minutes to get ready for an event or a date. What make up do you reach for?
Ilia Super Serum Skin Tint mixed with a little Oio Lab Supercharged Glow Facial Serum for a little extra something-something. Noto Multi-Bene Cheek + Lip Stick on cheeks, lips and lids. I’ll curl my lashes and maybe a little bit of mascara and voila!
How do you calm your body when you feel stress and overwhelm?
I journal daily, and practice a wonderful guided hypnosis meditation I’ve created with my therapist for my private clients. Anything for the vagus nerve and somatic releases are also big on my list. And a day spent in bed with a movie, tea, naps and cuddles are also a forever favorite.
Maybe you have some tips of the rest of us :)
Stop hiding - start living deep and suck out all marrow of life.